- An overview of ELT Methodology that lists definitions for concepts such as methodology, approach, method, curriculum/syllabus and technique.
- What are principles of language learning? How and why should overall "principles" guide our teaching?
- Detailed summaries of various language teaching methods developed and used over the past century, including the Grammar Translation Method, the Direct Method, the Audio lingual Method, Community Language Teaching, the Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response, and the Natural Approach. For each method there is an explanation of objectives, key features, typical techniques and also some comments/critiques from English Raven based on personal experience/opinion.
- An explanation of the current "norm" in the field: Communicative Language Teaching. This includes the types of liearning generally associated with CLT.
- An overview for the well-known PPP Approach to Communicative Language Teaching.
- Brief overviews of the age factors that need to be considered when developing classroom techniques and some theories on how and why teachers ought to experiment with teaching methods.
- A listing of resources and books referred to in these pages, and some links to other useful on-line sources.